Results for 'S. D. Kenny'

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  1.  27
    Atomistic-scale modelling of nanoindentation into optical coatings.I. Gheewala, S. D. Kenny & R. Smith - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (34-36):3499-3510.
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  2. Cross-Situational Learning: An Experimental Study of Word-Learning Mechanisms.Kenny Smith, Andrew D. M. Smith & Richard A. Blythe - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (3):480-498.
    Cross-situational learning is a mechanism for learning the meaning of words across multiple exposures, despite exposure-by-exposure uncertainty as to the word's true meaning. We present experimental evidence showing that humans learn words effectively using cross-situational learning, even at high levels of referential uncertainty. Both overall success rates and the time taken to learn words are affected by the degree of referential uncertainty, with greater referential uncertainty leading to less reliable, slower learning. Words are also learned less successfully and more slowly (...)
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  3. Updating on the Credences of Others: Disagreement, Agreement, and Synergy.Kenny Easwaran, Luke Fenton-Glynn, Christopher Hitchcock & Joel D. Velasco - 2016 - Philosophers' Imprint 16 (11):1-39.
    We introduce a family of rules for adjusting one's credences in response to learning the credences of others. These rules have a number of desirable features. 1. They yield the posterior credences that would result from updating by standard Bayesian conditionalization on one's peers' reported credences if one's likelihood function takes a particular simple form. 2. In the simplest form, they are symmetric among the agents in the group. 3. They map neatly onto the familiar Condorcet voting results. 4. They (...)
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  4. James, William 23, 38-41,181 Jaspers, K. 133 Jennings, HS 140 Josephson, BD 8,103.H. B. Barlow, E. W. Bastin, J. S. Bell, Franz Brentano, D. E. Broadbent, J. Bronowski, N. Chomsky, Kenneth Craik, I. Kant & A. Kenny - 1980 - In Brian David Josephson & V. S. Ramachandran, Consciousness and the physical world: edited proceedings of an interdisciplinary symposium on consciousness held at the University of Cambridge in January 1978. New York: Pergamon Press.
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  5. Professional responsibility, nurses, and conscientious objection: A framework for ethical evaluation.Pamela J. Grace, Elizabeth Peter, Vicki D. Lachman, Norah L. Johnson, Deborah J. Kenny & Lucia D. Wocial - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (2-3):243-255.
    Conscientious objections (CO) can be disruptive in a variety of ways and may disadvantage patients and colleagues who must step-in to assume care. Nevertheless, nurses have a right and responsibility to object to participation in interventions that would seriously harm their sense of integrity. This is an ethical problem of balancing risks and responsibilities related to patient care. Here we explore the problem and propose a nonlinear framework for exploring the authenticity of a claim of CO from the perspective of (...)
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  6. Descartes's Meditations: Critical Essays.John P. Carriero, Peter J. Markie, Stephen Schiffer, Robert Delahunty, Frederick J. O'Toole, David M. Rosenthal, Fred Feldman, Anthony Kenny, Margaret D. Wilson, John Cottingham & Jonathan Bennett (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This collection of recent articles by leading scholars is designed to illuminate one of the greatest and most influential philosophical books of all time. It includes incisive commentary on every major theme and argument in the Meditations, and will be valuable not only to philosophers but to historians, theologians, literary scholars, and interested general readers.
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  7. A relational account of public health ethics.Françoise Baylis, Nuala P. Kenny & Susan Sherwin - 2008 - Public Health Ethics 1 (3):196-209.
    oise Baylis, 1234 Le Marchant Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3P7. Tel.: (902)-494–2873; Fax: (902)-494-2924; Email: francoise.baylis{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> . Abstract Recently, there has been a growing interest in public health and public health ethics. Much of this interest has been tied to efforts to draw up national and international plans to deal with a global pandemic. It is common for these plans to state the importance of drawing upon a well-developed (...)
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  8. Aristotle’s kinêsis / energeia Distinction.Alexander P. D. Mourelatos - 1993 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):385-388.
    I am grateful to the editors of the Canadian Journal of Philosophy for inviting me to write a comment on Kathleen Gill’s ‘On the Metaphysical Distinction Between Processes and Events’. I readily concede that she is right in the central criticism she makes of my 1978 paper: that a properly metaphysical or ontological distinction between processes and events, if it is to be made at all, cannot be sustained on the basis of the informal linguistic criteria I offered in ‘Events, (...)
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    Studies in the Ethics and Philosophy of Religion.D. Z. Philips (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    Routledge is proud to reissue these nine pivotal titles from the acclaimed series Studies in Ethics and the Philosophy of Religion. Including key works by Ahern, Beardsmore, Pike, and others, these books are essential for all serious collections. Available as single volumes or as a nine-volume set, the titles in this collection were originally published between 1950-1960 by Routledge and Kegan Paul: Volume 1: The Problem of Evil M.B. Ahern Hb: 0-415-31841-6 Volume 2: Moral Reasoning R.W. Beardsmore Hb:0-415-31842-4 Volume 3: (...)
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    A theology for europe: Universality and particularity in Christian theology.Mark D. Chapman - 1994 - Heythrop Journal 35 (2):125–139.
    Hermeneutics, the Bible and Literary Criticism. Edited by Ann Loades and Michael McLain.The Craft of Theology: From Symbol to System. By Avery Dulles.The Shape of Soreriology. By John McIntyre.Not the Cross But the Crucfied. By H.‐E. Mertens.Verbum Curo: An Encyclopedia on Jesus, the Christ. By Michael O'Carroll.The Search for the Origins of Christian Worship: Sources and Methods for the Study of the Early Liturgy. By Paul Bradshaw.Worship: Initiation and the Churches. By Leonel L. Mitchell.The Eucharistic Mystery: Revitalizing the Tradition. By (...)
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    Spheres of Philosophical Inquiry and the Historiography of Medieval Philosophy (review).Mark D. Jordan - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (3):530-531.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Spheres of Philosophical Inquiry and the Historiography of Medieval Philosophy by John InglisMark D. JordanJohn Inglis. Spheres of Philosophical Inquiry and the Historiography of Medieval Philosophy. Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, volume 81. Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill, 1998. Pp. x + 324. Cloth, $99.50.Modern philosophers have shown themselves quite unphilosophical about the academic history of their own discipline. Content with grand stories that move from Plato to themselves, (...)
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    The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas: Introductory Readings ed. by Christopher Martin.Robert D. Anderson - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (1):149-151.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 149 temporary, might he an eyeopener to young Thomists who know so little about his work. In the meantime, however, in this English version of The Eyes of Faith a primary source of first importance has come our way. Catholic libraries should definitely have it on hand for philosophers and theologians to consult. Fordham University Bronx, New York GERALD A. McCooL, S.J. The Phuosophy of Thomas Aquinas: (...)
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  13. Addendum to “Einstein’s “Zur Electrodynamik...” Revisited, with some Consequences” by S. D. Agashe.S. D. Agashe - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (2):306-309.
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    The idea of global civil society: politics and ethics in a globalizing era.Randall D. Germain & Michael Kenny (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    This book evaluates the claim that in order to explore the changing social foundations of global power relations today, we need to include in our analysis an understanding of global civil society, particularly if we also wish to raise ethical questions about the changing political and institutional practices of transnational governance. The authors engage directly with the notion of global civil society in order to examines the ethical, social, and political conditions that make certain kinds of globalizing practices a reality (...)
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    Disability, identity and the "expressivist objection".S. D. Edwards - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (4):418-420.
    The practice of prenatal screening for disability is sometimes objected to because of the hurt and offence such practices may cause to people currently living with disabilities. This objection is commonly termed “the expressivist objection”. In response to the objection it is standardly claimed that disabilities are analogous to illnesses. And just as it would be implausible to suppose reduction of the incidence of illnesses such as flu sends a negative message to ill people, so it is not plausible to (...)
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  16. Risk, Contractualism, and Rose's.S. D. John - 2014 - Social Theory and Practice 40 (1):28-50.
    Geoffrey Rose’s prevention paradox points to a tension between two prima facie plausible moral principles: that we should save the greater number and that weshould save the most at risk. This paper argues that a novel moral theory, ex-ante contractualism, captures our intuitions in many prevention paradox cases, regardless of our interpretation of probability claims. However, it goes on to show that it might be impossible to square ex-ante contractualism with all of our moral intuitions. It concludes that even if (...)
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  17. Force of circumstance (Czech translation).S. D. Beauvoir - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 50 (6):962-969.
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    Rudyard Kipling's India.D. M. S., K. Bhaskara Rao & Rudyard Kipling - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):382.
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    Logical Form in Natural Language.S. D. Guttenplan - 1988 - Philosophical Quarterly 38 (153):538.
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  20. Readings in ancient Greek philosophy: from Thales to Aristotle.S. Marc Cohen, Patricia Curd & C. D. C. Reeve (eds.) - 2016 - Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company.
    Soon after its publication, Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy was hailed as the favourite to become "the 'standard' text for survey courses in ancient philosophy. Over twenty years later that prediction has been borne out: Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy still stands as the leading anthology of its kind. It is now stronger than ever: This 5th Edition features a completely revised Aristotle unit, with new translations, as well as a newly revised glossary. The Plato unit offers new translations of (...)
  21.  34
    Rejoinder of mr. Seth D. Merton.S. D. Merton - 1904 - The Monist 14 (4):602 - 603.
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    Prevention of disability on grounds of suffering.S. D. Edwards - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (6):380-382.
    This paper examines one particular justification for the screening and termination of embryos/fetuses which possess genetic features known to cause disability. The particular case is that put forward in several places by John Harris. He argues that the obligation to prevent needless suffering justifies the prevention of the births of disabled neonates. The paper begins by rehearsing Harris's case. Then, drawing upon claims advanced in a recent paper in the Journal of Medical Ethics, it is subjected to critical scrutiny, focusing (...)
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  23.  39
    Ethical concerns regarding guidelines for the conduct of clinical research on children.S. D. Edwards - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (6):351-354.
    In this article we examine ethical aspects of the involvement of children in clinical research, specifically those who are incapable of giving informed consent to participate. The topic is, of course, not a new one in medical ethics but there are some tensions in current guidelines that, in our view, need to be made explicit and which need to be responded to by the relevant official bodies. In particular, we focus on tensions between the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki, (...)
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    Informing research participants of research results: analysis of Canadian university based research ethics board policies.S. D. MacNeil - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (1):49-54.
    Background: Despite potential benefits of the return of research results to research participants, the TriCouncil Policy Statement , which reflects Canadian regulatory ethical requirements, does not require this. The policies of Canadian research ethics boards are unknown.Objectives: To examine the policies of Canadian university based REBs regarding returning results to research participants, and to ascertain if the presence/absence of a policy may be influenced by REB member composition.Design: Email survey of the coordinators of Canadian university based REBs to determine the (...)
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    How to take deontological concerns seriously in risk-cost-benefit analysis: a re-interpretation of the precautionary principle.S. D. John - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (4):221-224.
    In this paper the coherence of the precautionary principle as a guide to public health policy is considered. Two conditions that any account of the principle must meet are outlined, a condition of practicality and a condition of publicity. The principle is interpreted in terms of a tripartite division of the outcomes of action . Such a division of outcomes can be justified on either “consequentialist” or “deontological” grounds. In the second half of the paper, it is argued that the (...)
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  26.  74
    Real closed fields and models of Peano arithmetic.P. D'Aquino, J. F. Knight & S. Starchenko - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (1):1-11.
    Shepherdson [14] showed that for a discrete ordered ring I, I is a model of IOpen iff I is an integer part of a real closed ordered field. In this paper, we consider integer parts satisfying PA. We show that if a real closed ordered field R has an integer part I that is a nonstandard model of PA (or even IΣ₄), then R must be recursively saturated. In particular, the real closure of I, RC (I), is recursively saturated. We (...)
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  27.  50
    Sex differences in brain asymmetry of the rodent.S. D. Glick, A. R. Schonfeld & A. J. Strumpf - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):236-236.
  28. Adorno's senses of critique : gesture, survival, utopia.S. D. Chrostowska - 2021 - In Caren Irr, Adorno's 'Minima Moralia' in the 21st century: fascism, work, and ecology. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    The Ashley treatment: a step too far, or not far enough?S. D. Edwards - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (5):341-343.
    This “current controversies” contribution describes the recent case of a severely disabled six year old girl who has been subjected to a range of medical interventions at the request of her parents and with the permission of a hospital clinical ethics committee. The interventions prescribed have become known as “the Ashley treatment” and involve the performance of invasive medical procedures (eg, hysterectomy) and oestrogen treatment. A central aim of the treatment is to restrict the growth of the child and thus (...)
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  30. Bullshit activities.Kenny Easwaran - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    Frankfurt gave an account of “bullshit” as a statement made without regard to truth or falsity. Austin argued that a large amount of language consists of speech acts aimed at goals other than truth or falsity. We don't want our account of bullshit to include all performatives. I develop a modification of Frankfurt's account that makes interesting and useful categorizations of various speech acts as bullshit or not and show that this account generalizes to many other kinds of act as (...)
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    The Moral Status of Intellectually Disabled Individuals.S. D. Edwards - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (1):29-42.
    The moral status accorded to an individual (or class of individuals) helps to account for the weight of the moral obligations considered due to an individual (or class of individuals). Strong arguments can be given to indicate that the moral status accorded, justly or unjustly, to individuals with intellectual disabilities is less than that accorded to those considered intellectually able. This paper suggests that such a view of the moral status of intellectually disabled individuals derives from individualism. Ontological and normative (...)
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  32.  27
    Activation of single phonon infra-red lattice absorption in neutron irradiated diamond.S. D. Smith & J. R. Hardy - 1960 - Philosophical Magazine 5 (60):1311-1314.
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    The relative difficulty of Morse code alphabet characters learned by the whole method.S. D. S. Spragg - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 33 (2):108.
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    Breaking the Boundaries Collective – A Manifesto for Relationship-based Practice.D. Darley, P. Blundell, L. Cherry, J. O. Wong, A. M. Wilson, S. Vaughan, K. Vandenberghe, B. Taylor, K. Scott, T. Ridgeway, S. Parker, S. Olson, L. Oakley, A. Newman, E. Murray, D. G. Hughes, N. Hasan, J. Harrison, M. Hall, L. Guido-Bayliss, R. Edah, G. Eichsteller, L. Dougan, B. Burke, S. Boucher, A. Maestri-Banks & Members of the Breaking the Boundaries Collective - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (1):94-106.
    This paper argues that professionals who make boundary-related decisions should be guided by relationship-based practice. In our roles as service users and professionals, drawing from our lived experiences of professional relationships, we argue we need to move away from distance-based practice. This includes understanding the boundary stories and narratives that exist for all of us – including the people we support, other professionals, as well as the organisations and systems within which we work. When we are dealing with professional boundary (...)
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    Hill Farms and Padi Fields. Life in Mainland Southeast Asia.D. M. S. & Robbins Burling - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (2):265.
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    Moral philosophy and discipline: the Nigerian experience.S. D. Shishima - 2004 - Makurdi, Nigeria: Selfers Publications. Edited by A. Z. Apenda.
  37.  40
    Light on Early Indian Society and Economy.D. M. S. & Ram Sharan Sharma - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):383.
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    The impairment/disability distinction: a response to Shakespeare.S. D. Edwards - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (1):26-27.
    Tom Shakespeare’s important new book includes, among other topics, a persuasive critique of the social model of disability. A key component in his case against that model consists in an argument against the impairment/disability distinction as this is understood within the social model. The present paper focuses on the case Shakespeare makes against that distinction. Three arguments mounted by Shakespeare are summarised and responded to. It is argued that the responses adequately rebut Shakespeare’s case on this specific issue. Moreover, as (...)
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    Land Tenure in Village Ceylon.D. R. S. & G. Obeyesekere - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):393.
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    That Old (But Not So Old) Time Jurisprudence On Robert Rhodes, Classic Problems of Jurisprudence.S. D. Smith - 2006 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 51 (1):191.
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    Origin and Development of Dattātreya Worship in IndiaOrigin and Development of Dattatreya Worship in India.D. M. S. & Hariprasad Shivprasad Joshi - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (2):264.
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  42. Reditus-ad-specum. The problematic return from the eidetic universe to the existential universe.S. D. Spinelli - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 94 (3):441-470.
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    Party System and Election Studies.D. E. S. & Rajni Kothari - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):394.
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    Hume and Contemporary Ethical Naturalism.S. D. Guttenplan - 1983 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 8 (1):309-320.
  45.  40
    Derrida—De-Distancing—Heidegger.D. J. S. Cross - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (1):117-134.
    This paper has three interwoven aims: to demonstrate the constitutive role of style in deconstruction, which, when not entirely misconstrued, has yet to be rigorously appreciated; to develop the notion of ‘de-distancing’ as a necessary but overlooked notion for understanding not only the ontological stakes of Dasein in Being in Time but also Derrida’s intervention in the relation between Heidegger, Nietzsche, and the limits of metaphysics; to demonstrate that Derrida’s recourse to de-distancing as the spatiality of woman in Spurs punctures (...)
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    Phenomenology, Literature, Dissemination.D. J. S. Cross - 2020 - Research in Phenomenology 50 (1):53-78.
    This article analyzes the complex relation of phenomenology and literature in the work of Husserl and Derrida. In the first part, I show that the limited ideality of the literary object necessarily situates it in a derivative region of phenomenology. In the second part, however, I problematize the regional status of literature by elaborating a brief but important footnote in which Husserl broadens the concept of literature to embrace all cultural products whatsoever. Yet, because even this broadened concept of literature (...)
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  47.  18
    On the Date of Eupolis’ Demes and the Political Events of 412 bc.S. D. Olson - 2017 - Polis 34 (2):422-431.
    Eupolis’ fragmentary Demes has traditionally been placed in 412 bc, after the failure of the Sicilian Expedition but before the oligarchic coup of 411. Ian Storey has recently argued that the play belongs instead in 417 or perhaps 416 bc, while Mario Telò and Leone Porciani put it in 410 bc. This article demonstrates that both alternative dates face decisive objections, and suggests that Demes is better kept in 412 bc. I then briefly consider the role of late 5th-century Athenian (...)
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    Medical Students’ Exposure to Ethics Conflicts in Clinical Training: Implications for Timing UME Bioethics Education.S. D. Stites, S. Rodriguez, C. Dudley & A. Fiester - 2020 - HEC Forum 32 (2):85-97.
    While there is significant consensus that undergraduate medical education should include bioethics training, there is widespread debate about how to teach bioethics to medical students. Educators disagree about course methods and approaches, the topics that should be covered, and the effectiveness and metrics for UME ethics training. One issue that has received scant attention is the timing of bioethics education during medical training. The existing literature suggests that most medical ethics education occurs in the pre-clinical years. Follow-up studies indicate that (...)
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    Contributions to Indian Sociology, No. VIII, October 1965.D. M. S. & Louis Dumont - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (2):264.
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    Attitudes of research ethics board chairs towards disclosure of research results to participants: results of a national survey.S. D. MacNeil & C. V. Fernandez - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (9):549-553.
    Background: The offer of aggregate study results to research participants following study completion is increasingly accepted as a means of demonstrating greater respect for participants. The attitudes of research ethics board chairs towards this practice, although integral to policy development, are unknown.Objectives: To determine the attitudes of REB chairs and the practices of REBs with respect to disclosure of results to research participants.Design: A postal questionnaire was distributed to the chairs of English-language university-based REBs in Canada. In total, 88 REB (...)
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